| Meecrogate ID Server |

Meecrogate ID Server Identity and Access Management.


The Solution oriented security server.

Enforce a Zero trust policy bringing Authz/Authn at once.

Single-Sign On.

Users authenticate with Meecrogate ID Server rather than individual applications. This means that your applications don't have to deal with login forms, authenticating users, and storing users. Once logged-in to ID Server, users don't have to login again to access a different application.

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Modern Protocols

Meecrogate ID Server is based on standard protocols and provides support for OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0.

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LDAP and Active Directory

Meecrogate ID Server has built-in support to connect to existing LDAP or Active Directory servers. You can also implement your own provider if you have users in other stores, such as a relational database.

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It is so great!

Single-Sign On Login once to multiple applications
Standard Protocols OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0.
Centralized Management For admins and users.
Adapters Secure applications and services easily
LDAP and Active Directory Connect to existing user directories
Social Login Easily enable social login
Identity Brokering OpenID Connect
High Performance Lightweight, fast and scalable
Clustering For scalability and availability
Themes Customize look and feel
Extensible Customize through code
Password Policies Customize password policies